How To Install Metro For Steam Mac

Don't forget to install the potential fonts that may be in the file you downloaded. Now that you know how to install a Steam Skin here's a list of skins you might like: Metro for Steam. A minimalist skin inspired by Microsoft's design language, Metro UI. How to download a Steam game onto your Mac. Best Launch Steam from the Launchpad. Wait for Steam to update.

I had some interesting problems with this game. I never had the.dll issue and I managed to play it through on the physx drivers that were already on my system. About a month later, I could not get past the first title screen before it crashed, and installing the beta physx driver that came with the game fixed it. I just installed it over my others (it uninstalled my previous drivers itself) So I'd advise installing the physx driver that came with it. But since it sounds like you didn't get the actual physical CD, the link in the post above appears to be the same driver. If not send me a PM and I can send you the version I got with mine. This was with an ATI card (5770).