Insert Row Below In Word For Mac 11

I have a row in which there are formulas using values of the same row. The next row is empty, just with a different background color. Now, if I insert a new row (by right-clicking on the empty row and 'insert'), I get a new row with NO background color (which is what I want), but the line also does NOT contain any formulas: how do I get Excel to be smarter and copying the formulas from the previous row, when creating the new row? One more piece of information: data validation information (i.e.

Outlook for mac 2016 font size Tip: To insert more than one column or row at the same time, select as many of columns or rows as you want to add before you click the insert control.For example, to insert two rows, first select two rows in your table and then click the Insert Control.

A drop down list) is copied when inserting the new row. One other key thing that I found regarding copying rows within a table, is that the worksheet you are working on needs to be activated. If you have a workbook with multiple sheets, you need to save the sheet you called the macro from, and then activate the sheet with the table. Once you are done, you can re-activate the original sheet.

You can use Application.ScreenUpdating = False to make sure the user doesn't see that you are switching worksheets within your macro. War strategy games for mac. If you don't have the worksheet activated, the copy doesn't seem to work properly, i.e.

Some stuff seem to work, and other stuff doesn't?? You need to insert the new row and then copy from the source row to the newly inserted row. Excel allows you to paste special just formulas. So in Excel: • Insert the new row • Copy the source row • Select the newly created target row, right click and paste special • Paste as formulas VBA if required with Rows('1:1') being source and Rows('2:2') being target: Rows('2:2').Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove Rows('2:2').Clear Rows('1:1').Copy Rows('2:2').PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone.