Razer Deathadder App For Mac

Razer has launched the Lunar White Razer DeathAdder, an ergonomic right-handed gaming mouse specifically built with the needs of Mac OS X gamers in mind.

I didn't have a can at hand, but I think I can barely squeeze a finger in between the thumb and closest opposing finger. And then my palm is about 20% longer than my index finger. So the base of my palm ends up quite a far away from the mouse I just checked, and my hands are about the same size. Not really surprising since I'm 6' 6' as well.

Mac; Razer; Razer. Razer is the world leader in high-performance gaming hardware, software and systems. Razer DeathAdder 3.5G Windows Legacy Driver (English). The Razer Cortex: Deals app is.

The top of the Razer logo shows between my index and middle finger when I'm using the mouse, but I find it quite comfortable. I have it on a high sensitivity and rest the heel of my palm on the mousepad, and I can cover my whole screen without moving from there. It never feels strained at all. So overall, I love the Deathadder. Mind you, it's the only fancy mouse I've ever had - before that it was cheapo logitechs. Because the DeathAdder is in much higher demand. What I dont understand is people griping about a polling rate of 125mhz, and that you cant change that with the diamondback.

And thus through that gripe seem to infer you CAN change that with the deathadder, yet neither do, and 125mhz is just the base setting that windows has. You have to actually hack your OS with a specific patch to make your USB polling rates higher. So wtf are people whining about with the diamondback then? Anyhow, maybe I will buy the diamondback 3G instead.

Something about 'Frost Blue' that draws my attention. Well, I got the DiamondBack 3G in today. Havn't even plugged it in yet, and I can tell I hate this mouse. Two major flaws immediately struck me while trying to figure out how to handle it: 1) The scroll wheel is nowhere near when my index finger lands. I need another inch of finger to use that wheel right! If I shift my entire hand up holding it beyond the middle of the mouse (where it balances right), the bottom end of the mouse slams into my palm, and whenever I pick it up it topples backwards.

2) The stupid side buttons on the right are pathetic. They have sharp little nubbies on them for one, which I'm sure I can lop off with an xacto knife, but the worst part is everytime I go to lift the mouse, my darn ring finger clicks the button on the side! Again, if I shift off balance and change the holding position, it won't, but then more problems occur. This mouse was made for people with 12inch hands.

This is going back to the store immediately. I just wish someone like BestBuy would carry all these 'great' mice so those of us who are picky on feel can at least preliminarily see if we will even like it. The 3G Sensor is pretty darn good, for the brief moment I plugged it in and tried to use it. My passport for mac best buy. It was precise and smooth in motion.

No need to fuss with the USB polling rate because unless you never have adjusted a usb port, there is no sense starting now. But god, what is with mouse-maker's infatuation with useless side buttons? I simply am unable to use them, because they require you to give up motion control of the mouse to situate and press those buttons. Its about as bad as letting go of the mouse and hitting a key on your keypad. Now, if they put more buttons where your INDEX and MIDDLE fingers can press them, THEN they would make more sense. But on the sides? My god, the ones on the right side (for ring finger) are just impossible to deal with if you wish to keep a grasp of the mouse at the same time, and the thumb ones are pathetic as well.

Not as bad, but they still require me to give up some movement ability just to squash at some buttons with my thumb. The Logitech G5 for example, it has these two 'thumb buttons'. Well, they were nicely put OUT OF THE WAY for those of us who hate them, but where they are for those who want to use them is just stupid. You have to remove your thumb from the control grove, and shift it way up, arch it over, and then press one of two very stiff buttons. Who was the idiot those thought this up?

The G5 also has these two nice little buttons at the base of the wheel. THOSE are easily pressed!

And would be great if they were NOT hard coded to ONLY adjust the speed ratio of the mouse So, they are great accessible buttons, but cannot be used for anything useful. Those DiamonBack buttons were crap. They were so super sensitive, even moving the mouse in a circle, I would end up pressing a couple of them with my ring finger or thumb (the side buttons that is). When I went to LIFT the mouse, I always clicked some side button, and many times would end up clicking the left (index) button because I would have to use my index finger to stabilize the lift as the mouse has no balance if you wish to even consider using the wheel. So, I gave up on it. Boxed it back up good as new and have shipped it back. I am not going to try and stretch and tweak my hand and retrain it to work with a poorly designed mouse like that.