How To Clear Formatting And Formula In Excel For Mac 2011

I was able to reproduce the difference in formatting between Excel 2010 and Excel 2011. Interesting difference. The difference shows up in the VBA code recorded between the two versions, as well. Oct 25, 2015 - Fortunately Microsoft Excel 2011 for Mac has a function that can remove all of. Remove All Cell Formatting from a Spreadsheet in Excel 2011.

Hi all - and thanks in advance for your generous assistance! Ad blocker app for chome mac. I am trying to conditionally format the cell colour and font colour of a whole page based on the value of a single cell, using the following rule: Formula: =G1='BUY' then follows my font format selection (default dark red text on light red background) Applies to: Sheet1!$A$1:$A$25 However, the formatting changes only affect the first cell in the range, cell A1 - and not to the rest of the selected range.

I created a second rule, using the same formula for another range of cell ($A$2:$A$25) - however, again the formatting changes only affected the first cell in the range (A2). While I am erring on the side of this being a bug - I thought I would put it out there in case I have made an error therein?