Mac Is Telling To Enter My Passward For Internet Accounts

Aug 10, 2014 - Click the 'Advanced' tab. Be sure the email username is entered properly here, then click into “Password” and enter the correct email password associated with the account. Click “OK”, then close out of Preferences and choose “Save” when requested. A user of Outlook can experience the issue of being prompted to re-enter their email account password with the dialog box below. The user would want to enter the correct password in the Password: field for the specified account then check the box for Save this password in your password list.

I have the same problem. I went through Apple support, and reinstalled the operating system and did just about everything I can do tho the machine from Apple's end. Bottom line is that is is NOT an Apple problem. It is a Yahoo! This is demostrated also by the fact that I don't have this problem with any of my gmail accounts or my ATT&T account. I have yet to find a way to get a human on the Yahoo! Website, although that is what I was was trying to do this morning.

Download chrome for mac os. If you make it through the Apple website, don't bother on the reinstalling OS instructions; you won't get anywhere. Save the time and focus it towards trying to get a human at Yahoo! To hear your plea's for help. Regards, Remington.