My Passport For Mac Disk Not Ejected Properly

Hello everyone, I did an upgrade install of Mavericks over Mountain Lion. I'm running a GA-Z77X-UP5-TH mono with i5-3570k processor. I have a WD My Passport 1TB drive that i have connected to the USB 3.0 front port. Best remote desktop for mac.

Laptops 5 ways to eject an external drive from a Mac. Pick your favorite way to eject disk volumes from your Mac and put an end to the Disk Not Ejected Properly warnings. I have a WD My Passport 1TB drive that i have connected to the USB 3.0 front port. My problem is that whenever the computer wakes from sleep, I get a message popup that says Disks Not Ejected Properly. I have searched on the forums, and people have had this issue with older versions of ML but there solutions do not seem to have any effect here.

My problem is that whenever the computer wakes from sleep, I get a message popup that says Disks Not Ejected Properly. I have searched on the forums, and people have had this issue with older versions of ML but there solutions do not seem to have any effect here. So far I have tried: Updating firmware for the My Passport external HDD Adding and removing Zenith423's USB drivers Buying and installing Jettison (this decreased the frequency of the messages, but I still get it time to time) Reinstalling the operating system My Bios settings or xHCI enabled and Auto. Please let me know if you guys have any thoughts. Hello everyone, I did an upgrade install of Mavericks over Mountain Lion.

I'm running a GA-Z77X-UP5-TH mono with i5-3570k processor. I have a WD My Passport 1TB drive that i have connected to the USB 3.0 front port. My problem is that whenever the computer wakes from sleep, I get a message popup that says Disks Not Ejected Properly. I have searched on the forums, and people have had this issue with older versions of ML but there solutions do not seem to have any effect here. So far I have tried: Updating firmware for the My Passport external HDD Adding and removing Zenith423's USB drivers Buying and installing Jettison (this decreased the frequency of the messages, but I still get it time to time) Reinstalling the operating system My Bios settings or xHCI enabled and Auto.

Please let me know if you guys have any thoughts. Click to expand.I have a similar board though not the same and I have one of the WD My Passport 1TB drives which works perfectly. 3 thoughts - 1) Change XHCI Mode to Smart Auto if you have it on Auto 2) check if there is an improvement if you connect your front USB to either of the 2 Via hubs on your board F_USB30_2 or F_USB30_3 3) Have a look at the rest of your Bios settings - in particular the way that the Bios treats your USB devices. If you have a look my Bios settings for my Z77X-UD5H are posted and they work perfectly on my board - you could maybe adapt your Bios settings to match. Incidentally after any changes boot with UseKernelCache=No to clear the cache or use a utility like DPCIManager to Clear Cache. I got the same motherboard. What fixed the 'Disk Not Ejected Properly' issue for me, was: Disable this: MIT-Advanced Frequency Settings > Advanced CPU Core Features > Internal CPU PLL Overvoltage I found this from last post here: So the issue i was having, in addition to the 'Disk Not Ejected Properly' was after resuming from sleep, my mac wired usb keyboard wasn't working unless i unplugged it + replugged it.

Disabling that motherboard setting fixed both. I got the same motherboard. What fixed the 'Disk Not Ejected Properly' issue for me, was: Disable this: MIT-Advanced Frequency Settings > Advanced CPU Core Features > Internal CPU PLL Overvoltage I found this from last post here: So the issue i was having, in addition to the 'Disk Not Ejected Properly' was after resuming from sleep, my mac wired usb keyboard wasn't working unless i unplugged it + replugged it.

Disabling that motherboard setting fixed both. Click to expand. Slightly off topic, but thought this would be of interest as many have encountered the same 'Disk Not Ejected Properly' with SATA disks too. On my system, GA Z77-DS3H MB, I was consistently getting this message waking from sleep regardless of sleep settings, but it always seemed to be triggered by the Toshiba DT01ACA100 drive (connected to SATA2 port) used only for time machine. After waking the Toshiba drive no longer shows up in disk utility (not even unmounted). It would mount properly only by a reboot. Other drives, including an SSD, connected to the SATA3 port, and drives connected to a 4-port SATA2 PCIe card work fine and are mounted when the system wakes.

My passport for mac disk not ejected properly working

Solution: I replaced the Toshiba drive with a WD Blue 1TB drive, and the error messages disappeared. Don't understand why this worked as neither drive is considered a 'green' drive.