How To Change Data In Rows To Columns In Excel For Mac

Suppose you have a row data in Excel as following screenshot need to be changed into a column in Excel. Firstly, please select and copy the row, then select a cell where you want to paste the data and right click it, and choose to paste the data with Paste option Transpose command. It will change the row into a column like so: You can quickly access Paste option Transpose command from the right click menu as: Paste option Transpose command Change multiple rows to multiple columns in Excel Suppose you have multiple rows data in Excel as following screenshot need to be changed into multiple columns in Excel. By using the Paste option Transpose command, you can easily change multiple rows into multiple columns like so: Steps: 1. Select and copy multiple rows. Select a cell you want to paste and right click it. Using the Paste option Transpose command to paste.

Change a column to a row in Excel If you want to change a column data into a row in Excel as following screenshot: By using the Paste option Transpose command, you can easily change a column into a row like so: Steps: 1. Select and Copy the column. Select a cell you want to paste and right click it. Using Paste option Transpose command to paste. Change multiple columns to multiple rows in Excel To change multiple columns into multiple rows as following screenshot in Excel: By using the Paste option Transpose command, you can easily change multiple columns into multiple rows like so: Steps: 1. Select and copy multiple columns; 2.

Select a cell you want to paste and right click it. Using Paste option Transpose command to paste.

Change range or single row to column with Kutools for Excel If you install Kutools for Excel, you can quickly change the selected range or single row to columns by the feature of Transform Range.: with more than 300 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 30 days. Here we take the following screenshot for example to change the single row to columns Please apply this utility by clicking Kutools > Range Converter > Transform Range, see screenshot: Step 1. Select a single row you want to change to column, and click Kutools > Range Converter > Transform Range, or you also can select the single row from in the popup dialog. Check Single row to range in the popup dialog, and specify the Fixed value then click Ok. See screenshot: ( Note: specifying the fixed value is to specify the number of the data in each column.) Step 3.

Apr 3, 2012 - However, is there any way to swap rows and columns with data in them. I've never used the analyse functions on Excel for Mac only in. Mar 6, 2014 - The tutorial shows how to convert row to column in Excel using the Paste Special feature, TRANSPOSE function, VBA code, and a special tool.

After clicking Ok, another popup dialog will be displayed, and select a cell that you want to output the result then click Ok, see screenshot: You will see the single row change to column as shown as below: If you want to change a range to a single column as shown as below, please follow the below steps: Step 1. Select a range you want to change to a single column, and click Kutools > Range Converter > Transform Range, or you also can select the range from in the popup dialog. Check Range to single column in the popup dialog, then click Ok. After clicking Ok, another popup dialog will be displayed, and select a cell that you want to output the result then click Ok. You will see the range change to a single column as shown as below: Change one column to multiple rows and columns with Kutools for Excel To apply the above operations in Excel is quite easy by using the Paste option Transpose command.


Nevertheless, if you want to change one column to multiple rows and columns in Excel, can you get it done with using the same Transpose command in Excel? Download driver for canon printer. For example:: with more than 300 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 30 days. To change one column data in Excel as following screenshot into multiple rows and columns: You can easily process such operation in Excel with handy Excel add-ins software - - which includes more than 80 add-ins that to free you from time-consuming operation in Excel. Select a single column you want to change to multiple rows and columns, and click Kutools > Range Converter > Transform Range, or you also can select the single column from in the popup dialog.