Excel For Mac Is Printing To Wrong Printer Tray

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We have a shared spreadsheet used by a number of employees at our firm. A user called me to report that whenever she prints one worksheet from an Excel file it goes to the wrong printer mailbox (tray).

Her tray is bin 1. The worksheet is printing to bin 4. The user is running Excel 2003 with the latest patches. The worksheet that is having the issues is being modified by one user, who is running Excel 2007 w/ the latest patches.

'Hello SAPGURUS, My customer/user interested to know if they can print SAP queries in 11X17 format On one of our printer. They are currently printing spreadsheets on 11X17 paper from Excel from this printer, and would like to do the same for some larger query reports from SAP. Try googling printer tray ApeosPort-III C5500 mac. One changes the paper format in a document, the document ist printed only up to this point.

His printer mailbox is tray 4. On the machine that I was troubleshooting, we looked at the printer properties when on the problematic worksheet and it was set to print to mailbox 4. We changed it back to the correct mailbox (1), and saved. Then we closed and re-opened, and the printer settings were correct. We then had the user who's modifying the worksheet make a change and save. We then opened the worksheet on the first user's machine, and the printer mailbox had changed to the incorrect mailbox again. TLDNR: When user 2 modifies a worksheet it saves his print settings to the worksheet, and it is causing user 1 to print to the wrong mailbox (for that worksheet only).

How can we change this? There are about 10 other users using this spreadsheet, each with their own worksheet, and this one user is the only one causing problems for the main user printing. Please let me know if clarification is needed.

I have a VBMacro Excel file loaded on a Server that numerous people access. A Macro in this file creates a Copy of a specific Sheet within the Active Workbook and I want to Save it to the individual's Desktop. How do I find out what the current User's desktop folder path is each time the Marco is run by a different User? Example User's path: 'C: Documents and Settings jfarc Desktop' Where 'jfarc' is the name of the current User which, will of course change with every different User that runs the Macro. Also, is there a way to pull out of Excel what is the current User's 'Options General Default File Location' entry? Which may differ from the above directory.

I am familiar with and use the following coding for Opening/Saving files to the current directory of the opened workbook, but it only gives the path of the existing Excel workbook and not the current User's Directory Path: Dim wbThis As Workbook Set wbThis = ThisWorkbook ChDir wbThis.Path. I have set up a workbook that is sent out to lots of different users. They each keep and use their own copy. I have set it up so that everything looks OK and is visible on MY screen, but I'm conscious that some users may have different screen sizes, different toolbars set up, and so on, which might make some parts not immediately visible to them. I have set up an auto-execute macro which automatically sets the zoom factor to best fit, for several of the worksheets, and this works fine. Here's the code that does it.

Code: Sheets('WELCOME').Select Range('A1:N18').Select ActiveWindow.Zoom = True By repeating this code for each worksheet, I can make each one be zoomed just right. However, the file contains 8 sheets that are all identically laid out, except the number of rows is different. What I want to do is go to the worksheet that has the largest number of rows (it's always the same worksheet, so I know which one it is), set the zoom factor for THAT worksheet (which I can do, and it always has the same number of rows), and then take THAT zoom factor, whatever it is - and it will vary depending on the user - and apply that to the other worksheets that have a similar layout. I could just go through each worksheet and zoom it automatically, but that would mean that some of the sheets looked very large, others very small, and I'd like them to have a consistent appearance. I could also specify a range on each worksheet that was similar to the appropriate range on the longest worksheet, and zoom that automatically, but that's not ideal either, because some of the row heights vary from sheet to sheet, and again I'll end up with different font sizes. Anyone know how to do this?