Where Can I Get The Path For Chrome Driver In Mac

Here you will get the driver zip file which you can extract, after extraction, you will get chromedrive.exe file. Note- Selenium provides only 32 bit but you can use the same for 64-bit machines as well. Practically I tried and it works fine. Program for Run Selenium Webdriver in chrome Browser. Download mozilla firefox 9 for mac windows 10.

I have gone through the listed steps and this is what I am getting. When I try to connect with Chrome I get “No Data Received” on the page. Please advise to what I might be doing wrong.

Thanks for writing this, Chris. I’ve been looking for a good way to implement testing for the Chrome extension I’m building. I’m running into an issue. When I run `node test.js` (which is what I called my test file, just what you did in step 6, same code), I get an output of HTML and CSS and then I get: /Users/zack/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver/promise.js:1542 throw error; Did you run into this at all?

I did some Googling but nothing helpful came up. Any idea how to resolve this one? Sorry I should have said I added that line already. I put it at the bottom of the vagrant file like so. Hi Chris I am getting following error when I try to run my selenium code to launch chrome driver and test signin functionality in EC2 Box.