Ripple Emulator Mac Os X

Getting Started Emulate PhoneGap • • Emulate a Specific Platform • • Emulate a Specific Platform Version • • About PhoneGap Emulator • The PhoneGap Emulator allows you to test your PhoneGap application from your desktop browser. PhoneGap's JavaScript APIs are avaialble using Ripple, so you can subscribe to deviceready and even stub responses for your custom plugins. Requirements • The PhoneGap Emulator requires two free, third-party tools. API Overview The PhoneGap emulator can be invoked with a web request. The request options are provided as query string parameters and the response will check for all dependencies before opening the Ripple emulator. Request • Parameters URL • The url is the address of your local or public web app. • The url is a required parameter.

• Examples: • • • Platform • The platform is the environment to emulate. • The platform is an optional parameter. • Emulates latest version: • • • Emulates specific version: • • M'yeah, we're gonna need you to get Google Chrome to use our emulator extension. OMG, you need the ripples! The Ripple Emulator can be installed as a Chrome extension.

This article includes the top 10 ios emulators for PC/Mac. Such as it would save you from using two different devices with different OS. Ripple emulator. GameCube and Wii games emulator for Mac By far, Dolphin is the best game emulator for GameCube, Wii and Triforce games. It is compatible with multiple platforms including Mac. Another advantage is it is open source and free to use.For Mac, it works for OS 10.6 to 10.8 and is user friendly.

This post is a follow up to my previous post which covered the basics of setting up an Android emulator on your machine. Today, let’s take a look at setting up an iOS simulator on OS X. Download and Install Xcode Currently, Apple doesn’t provide a stand-alone simulator app. What you’ll need to do is download (which is free on the Mac App store). Xcode is a fairly large package and, depending on your internet connection speed, could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes to download.

However, once the installation is complete it’ll take less than 5 minutes to have a full iOS experience loaded onto your computer. Running the iOS simulator Because the simulator is connected to Xcode it does take a couple steps to load the environment. However, I’ll show you two of my favorite ways to quickly start the simulator. Quick option #1 • Open Xcode (this is required) • Right click the Xcode icon in your dock • Select the “Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulator” option Quick option #2 (preferred) • Right-click the Xcode Application in your Applications folder • Choose “Show Package Contents” • Navigate to /Contents/Developer/Applications/iOS • Drag the iOS into your dock Testing in the iOS Simulator Using Web Inspector However you choose to start the simulator, open up the Safari app and browse to your site. You should be able to interact with it just like a real iPhone. While tapping, scrolling, and virtual pinching can be cool, let’s get some real work done.

• Open the Mac version of Safari and select Preferences • Click the Advance tab • Check the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” checkbox – This will enable the Web Inspector tools • Click the Develop menu and hover over “iOS Simulator.” A drop-down should appear with the website you’re currently viewing. • Once you have clicked on this site a new Web Inspector popup will appear. This inspector is tied directly to your simulated iPhone. From here, you can adjust your HTML, CSS, test for JavaScript errors, inspect elements, run the console, view timeline loads, etc. Simulating Different Devices Because of the varying shapes and sizes of each iOS device, it’s a good idea to test your site in multiple simulated environments.

From the iOS simulator, select the Hardware menu and choose Device. From here you can quickly choose between the different versions of iPhones and iPads available. Itv hub app for mac. Remember that Retina displays (in most cases) take up more real estate than your screen supports. Simulating iOS 7.1 Because user adoption rates for new versions of iOS are quite high, you won’t usually need to test your site on versions older than iOS 8.

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However, if you do, OS X Yosemite supports simulating iOS 7.1 (versions older than 7.1 will need to be installed on a machine running Mavericks or earlier). To make the change • From the simulator, select Hardware > Devices > Manage Devices • Click the + button to create a new simulator • Click the iOS version drop-down and choose “Download more simulators” • Under the Components section you should see the option to download the iOS 7.1 simulator. Once completed iOS 7 devices will now appear under the Hardware > Devices menu. Happy testing!