Mac Os Theme For Windows

Yosemite Transformation Pack will give you all new OS X Yosemite user experiences combined with iOS 8 graphics such as theme, wallpapers, system resources, and new OS X features combined altogether in single package working on Windows platform since Windows XP to up to Windows 8.1.

There is a big chance that you are actually a big fan of Mac but you just find using Windows easier and better. Maybe you do like Mac but you only want to use it as your design for your computer. Best mac contact manager.

You know that you will still have a grand time making use of this wallpaper simply because of how it looks. This seemingly simple desktop wallpaper has a dark violet that almost looks black background and it is complemented well by the figures that can be seen on the bottom middle part of the screen. There are various colors that can be seen and they can surely be seen well.

Apple has always been known for it's looks and finish. The themes and fonts that are available on Apple Macintosh's OS are really very elegant and beautiful. You can also have the looks and feel of the Apple Macintosh OS on your Windows 8 and Windows 7 system using these Seven themes.

Apple's Mac OS X has some of the best crafted User Interfaces and font designs and in fact every designer, business guy and developers swear by the design and ease of usage of Mac OS X. But given the high price of an Apple Macintosh computer, you can easily install a Mac OS X Theme on your Windows 8 or Windows 7 in order to experience the same look and feel of Mac OS X right inside Windows.

Now before you go through the list, here is something very important that you need to take care of. You should create a system restore point before you install any of these themes as these themes are either packages or patches, so just in case you want to get rid of any of the OS X themes, you can simply switch back to an older restore point. Mac OS X Yosmite Skin Pack for Windows 8 and Windows 7 () Update - this Apple OS X theme works even on Windows 10 that was recently launched as a technical preview.

Mac OS X Lion Theme for Windows 7 () 3. Mac Theme for Windows 7- () 4. Leopard Theme (windows Vista) - () Update: New and and of the above theme for Windows 7. Mac OS Theme - () 6.

OS X Theme - () One thing that is common with all these themes that each of them have one glitch or the other - and none of them are perfect but still does the job. For a perfect Mac OS X experience it is recommended that you like a Macbook Air, Mac Mini or an iMac. In case you know about any other OS X themes for Windows, that I missed out here do let me know in the comments section. If you are looking for installing an Apple theme for one of your Linux systems then you might want to check this:.


Here are a few more Windows 7 themes. • • • • • • •.