Mac Hosts File Not Working For Chrome
I have a LaunchAgent on my laptop that watches for my Location changes and switches the /etc/hosts files for me (I almost never reboot my laptop). This worked well in 10.6, but then I upgraded to 10.9 a few months ago and nothing seems to work to get ping to see my new hosts file entry. Interestingly, Chrome does recognize the entry in /etc/hosts. From my Mac, I can simply add a hosts entry and load the server with whatever name I need, but from a ElementaryOS client, that doesn't work. I tried the fixes above, with no success. What I did was to run Squid Proxy Server and add the hostnames to /etc/hosts on the server.
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Okay, followed your instructions. Firefox - still blocked from everything except the addresses in the hosts (whitelist) file. For that matter, apt-get and AptURL is blocked as well, so I couldn't have installed Google Chrome new if it wasn't already there.
Unfortunately, the already installed Google Chrome web browser continues to have access to anything I could think of to search for. Quickbooks for mac 2016 support. To be sure, I cleared Google Chrome's history since the beginning of time and (after restarting the NetworkManager and still having access to whatever I wanted) restarted the computer. The Internet is still wide open to Chrome. In case it makes a difference, I'm testing this on Lubuntu 16.04. Hosts (whitelist) file HOSTS is not a 'whitelist' of any sort it's just a local file mapping domains IP addresses. That guide is really confusing for anyone who doesn't understand this stuff already You should revert all the changes you made following that guide (but keep a copy of your modified HOSTS) - let's use only dnsmasq for the whitelisting.
We use dnsmasq here for blacklisting domains, I would think it'd be possible to use it like whitelist: configure it to answer queries only from local sources by default, but the whitelisted domains get forwarded upstream to the 'standard servers'. Don't see offhand how to specify 'any domain', so maybe you can give it a list of all Internet top-level domains to block by default? Configuration could look kind of like this (just an example, not tested and far from complete!). Code: # whitelist only specific domains, block everything else # Blacklisting TLDs by default server='/com/' server='/net/' # the whitelist entries look like this one server='/'This blocks not specified in HOSTS or otherwise locally, except for [*.] which will be forwarded to whatever upstream DNS servers are listed, like normal.
Lines starting with # are comments, none of them required and you can type anything you want there. To load any changes you make to the configuration, restart NetworkManager as above. Also, configuration files just get placed in /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d and have extension.conf For more information about this, and what it's doing, refer to the man page of dnsmasq (type man dnsmasq in Terminal). Before you try any of this, I strongly recommend reading up about DNS and HOSTS so that, not only your understandable confusion can be fixed, also you will have a much easier time understanding the dnsmasq man page. I don't know about Chrome, but I tested Chromium browser and it does read /etc/hosts.
If Chrome is the same, probably it's just accessing DNS regardless of the other configuration file. Again, that guide seems a bit misguided (or outdated?), just because it looks to work doesn't mean it's a good idea. Since it's surprisingly hard to find any simple explanations of DNS & the like, try starting with this: And you can extract a list of top-level domains from the list from If you can get dnsmasq-based whitelisting working, you will find it much simpler, more flexible, more effective, and easier to maintain than the way you're currently going about it. Note that it does away with the need to manually specify every subdomain, plus no more manually-specified IP addresses to hassle about keeping up-to-date. How hard can it be to just have a couple lists of YOUR choice of domains formatted a certain way and run one command and you're good to go?