Is Homekit App Available For Mac Os?

Homebridge is a lightweight NodeJS server you can run on your home network that emulates the iOS HomeKit API. It supports Plugins, which are community-contributed modules that provide a basic bridge from HomeKit to various 3rd-party APIs provided by manufacturers of 'smart home' devices. Jun 5, 2018 - Hands on: Controlling your smart home with HomeKit on macOS Mojave. After being on iOS for years, HomeKit and the Home app have made their way to the Mac. In macOS Mojave, you can finally control your smart home right from your Mac. There is a reason for that; Apple directly ported their iOS app to the Mac.

So from a Technical standpoint, the problem with introducing HomeKit control on a Mac, is that pesky thing called security. If your Mac had HomeKit control, then your home could be hacked. A Personal Computer is more likely to be remotely controlled by malware/trojans, than a (non-jailbroken) iOS device. This would negate Apple's whole stance on implementing the HomeKit encryption hardware on all HomeKit compatible devices. Yes, it's a pain that Sierra can't control HomeKit, but it's much more secure that way. I would imagine that at some point they will have to do something about it, but that will likely require new hardware that contains hard-wired Homekit encryption chips. Most probably in new computer releases, but maybe in a new magic keyboard, with a Siri button (like the Apple TV Siri Remote)?

So from a Technical standpoint, the problem with introducing HomeKit control on a Mac, is that pesky thing called security. If your Mac had HomeKit control, then your home could be hacked. A Personal Computer is more likely to be remotely controlled by malware/trojans, than a (non-jailbroken) iOS device. This would negate Apple's whole stance on implementing the HomeKit encryption hardware on all HomeKit compatible devices. Yes, it's a pain that Sierra can't control HomeKit, but it's much more secure that way.

I would imagine that at some point they will have to do something about it, but that will likely require new hardware that contains hard-wired Homekit encryption chips. Most probably in new computer releases, but maybe in a new magic keyboard, with a Siri button (like the Apple TV Siri Remote)?

Click to expand.Yes, I understand that, but I have a Gen 2 w/ Homekit. Fortnite for mac computer. Works great with iPad/iPhone, just curious why it wasn't integrated into Siri for Mac. I'm not buying into the whole 'your Mac could get hacked' excuse. If my Mac can get hacked then there are better things for the hackers to get at than my lights. Also hackers already have found a way to hack 'Internet of Things' devices directly.

I was reading just this week about hackers distributing viruses wirelessly though smart devices like light bulbs. Click to expand.Not to burst your bubble, but macOS is extremely hardened to hackers for multiple reasons. I actually am a network technician, and am constantly trying to bust in to the machines I manage. However, I would like to point out that by saying HomeKit devices are more secure because of their encryption chip- your argument is invalid as MacBooks now ship with the same Secure Enclave (which is the proper term for this encryption chip) as the other devices. (Which the AppleTV actually doesn't have.) Now, another point. You mentioned that macOS is more apt to get hacked because it's an open operating system. Yes, it does have open sourced components, yes that means there could be more vulnerabilities.