How To Install Postgresql On Mac For Metasploit

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Importing Nmap scans directly into Metasploit is one of the best time-saving tricks you can accomplish while using the Metasploit Framework. Once the full Nmap data is happily in your PostgreSQL database and accessible to Metasploit you can do all kinds of cool things with it that will save you lots of time and frustration on a large penetration test. For this example I’m assuming you’ve got a fully functional PostgreSQL database already configured and accessible to Metasploit. This is normally the case if you’ve performed a full install of Metasploit 4. I’ll cover the basics of setting up and connecting to a PostgreSQL database in a future post. Run db_status to determine if your database is set up properly and accessible to Metasploit. If you see the following output you are set: msf > db_status [*] postgresql connected to msf_database To start, you need Nmap output saved to a file.

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How to install postgresql on red hat 7 4

Do this by feeding Nmap the -oA flag when you scan which will save the results in all 3 major file formats: XML, Nmap and Grepable.