How To Convert A Powerpoint Into A Media File On Powerpoint For Mac

This page describes how to use to convert PowerPoint presentation into video file (WMV or AVI). WMV and AVI video files can be played by most mobile devices, hardware dvd players so if you want to show your PowerPoint presentation on computers or mobile devices where PowerPoint is not installed or not supported then you should convert presentation into AVI or WMV video file. Windows office for mac reviews

In a few clicks, turn your PDF into a formatted PPTX file that you can edit and update in your PowerPoint application. Convert PDFs to PowerPoint from anywhere. Even in a browser or on a mobile device, you can transform outdated PDFs into PowerPoint files that are easy to update with new info.

How to configure built in microphone for mac for chrome. Since version 1.20 is capable of converting into WMV and AVI video movies. This tutorial will guide you through PPT to AVI, WMV video conversion process. Integrates itself into PowerPoint so you can convert PPT into WMV or AVI video by simply using File menu in PowerPoint. First download and install Now start PowerPoint and open presentation: Now simply open File menu and select “ Convert To AVI” command as shown below: PowerPoint will start Bytescout PPT To Video conversion wizard: Click Next button to enter next page Change output video file name and video format (if required) and click Next button This page provides settings for slide show mode for presentation conversion.

You can change settings to automatically change slides after predefined delay so you can automate entire conversion process. Click Next button to switch to next page Change default resolution (width and height) and frame rate for output video file (if needed): Click Next to get Audio Recording page options: Uncheck Sound Recording checkbox if you don’t want to record sound from converted presentation. Please note that you should not run another sound players during conversion because their sound output can be captured as well. Click Next to start conversion: PPT To Video Scout now will convert your PowerPoint presentation into video: Click Next to show next slide When conversion is done you’ll see final page with: Click Close and program will launch produced video file in default video player. I like PPT to VideoScout a lot.

I find Powerpoint much underused (or badly used just to make boring text bullet points slides). In fact, some effective simple animations can be created in Powerpoint without having to resort to anything as complicated as Flash. However, PPT is just PPT; I have always wanted to convert my PPT animations to video and until now, any conversion tools I tried were only partially satisfactory. I have not been using Scout for very long, but so far, it has reproduced all my different PPT animation effects, transitions, timing, sound etc. Perfectly as very nice videos.