Excel Name Manager For Mac

The power of the Excel Name feature (sometimes referred to as a Named Range or Names) is a personal favorite of mine for saving time and improving quality when working in Excel. In this blog post, I’m going to explain what the Excel Name functions is, why it is useful, and provide you with a few examples, and videos, of how they can be used.

All you’d need is to bring it up and view and manage all the name ranges. You can edit them, create a new name range, and delete all the existing name ranges. To check all the existing name ranges, head over to Formulas tab and under Defined Names group, click Name Manager. Excel selects the cell address in the Name Box. Type the name for the selected cell or cell range in the Name Box. When typing the range name, you must follow Excel’s naming conventions: Refer to the bulleted list of cell-name do’s and don’ts earlier in this section for details.

What is the Excel Name Function? Put simply, a “Name” in Excel is a meaningful title for a range of cells. Remember that a range of cells is a collection of cells (for more information, see one of my previous posts ). Sometimes it makes sense to reference a range of cells c multiple times throughout a Workbook. For instance, annual sales figures, months of the years, a collection of names and so forth.

Using the sales figure analogy, for instance, a worksheet might contain a range of cells that contain a list of sale figures in cells D23:D45. Constantly rekeying this range can be error prone. “Names” allows you to name a range of cells with something meaningful, for instance, “SaleFigures.” So rather than typing D23:D45 over and over, you would enter “SalesFigures” instead. Middle school mac software for os 10.8.5.

How to Create an Excel Name There are a couple of different ways of creating a “Name,” but for now, we’ll stick with the most straightforward, which is to use the “Name Box” on the “Formula Bar” highlighted in the image below. Let’s create our first “Name.” If we enter the months of the year in column A from rows 1 to 12 and select this range of cells, as shown in the image below, we are ready to create our first “Name.” Now that the target range of cells has been selected, we then click on the Name Box on the Formula Bar, enter the text “MonthsOfTheYear,” and click enter. That’s it, we’ve created an Excel “Name.” Naming your Name Excel has certain rules that you need to abide by when naming your “Name.” The follow table lists them out. Rule Thing to Remember Case Excel Names are not case sensitive; this means that Excel will treat 'MONTHSOFTHEYEAR,' 'monthsoftheyear,' and 'MonthsOfTheYear' all the same. Therefore, each Name has to use a unique sequence of characters irrespective of upper or lower case. Length A name can't exceed 255 characters.

That's a lot of characters to play with. Spaces You can't have spaces in your Name. For instance, you can't use 'Months Of The Year.' To make your names a bit more readable, you could try using Camel Case as I have in the example above. Camel Case basically means no spaces and starting each new word in upper case. For more on Camel Case click here.

Other options include using a period or underscore between each word. For example, 'Months.of.the.year', or 'Months_of_the_year'. For more information on Camel Case click. Examples Okay, now for some examples. In a Formula Example One In the first example, I’m going to use a table of sales data for different products. First, we need to create a table of data to work with, so four columns. First column is months of the year, then three columns of sales figures for laptops, tablets, and desktops.

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Now, select the range of cells—in this case, A2:D13—click on the “Name Box” in the formula bar, type the Name, in this case “SalesTable”, and press Enter as shown in the image below. To check that the Name has taken, click away from the range of cells, then select cells A2:D13. When we’ve finished selecting the range of cells, the name should appear in the name box like as highligted in yellow in the image below.

Okay, on a different worksheet, we’re going to create a little formula that will search for a specific month, then move across the columns of the sales table and display the sales information. To do this, we will use the VLOOKUP function. If you’re not familiar with the VLOOKUP function, check out my block post at the following. The formula we will use will look like this: =VLOOKUP(A1,SalesTable,2,False).

To do this, we click on a new worksheet. We’ll call it “VLOOKUP Example 1.” In cell B1, we type the formula =VLOOKUP(A1,SalesTable,2,False), just like the image below. Now, we type a month into cell A1, and hey presto, we should see the sales figure from the sales table. Extending the first Example Ok, the first example was a bit simplistic, so let’s tidy things up a bit. First, select a new worksheet. This time, we’ll call it “VLOOKUP Example 2.” This time, we’ll add some headings and a bit of formatting like the image below.