Excel For Mac 2011 Enable Macros

In previous versions of Mac Excel you could create a Form/Dialog using VBA (called a VBA UserForm). In Mac Excel 2016, you can no longer do this. Please bring that functionality back. Note that this is different than the 'Form' option on the Data menu. There's a separate suggestion on UserVoice for that. How to enable macros on Excel for Mac 2016? While Excel 2016 for Mac and Excel 2016 for Windows are more similar in features than ever before, there are still differences including differences in Excel settings and also the VBA macros and how to enable macros. To enable macros in Excel 2016 for Mac, please view the Microsoft help article on how.

I have done some further testing. Visual studio for mac os 10.10. The problem still occurs, apparently randomly, but only when I have Safari or Mail open in the background. It does NOT seem to occur when the only app I have open is Excel. I have not yet tried having other apps open in the background, but will as soon as I can. I have opened a.xlsb Excel workbook without macros, while Safari and/or Mail have been open in the background. This leads me to believe the problem only involves Excel workbooks with Macros.

Meanwhile, as of now, it appears I might be able use the.xlsm workbook in question as long as I do not have any other applications running. By the way, I have also posted a question about this topic on a Microsoft forum and will post any responses I get on that forum to here as well. I have now done a bunch more testing and determined the problem occurs whether or not there are other apps open in the background. As far as I can tell, the problem only occurs in workbooks with Macros.

Those that only contain data and formulas (and do not require user defined functions) do not seem to be affected. My testing is by no means all-encompassing. As a result of my testing, however, I follow this methodology: • Change a cell; immediately save; change a cell; immediately save; change a cell; immediately save • Run a macro; if the macro completes - immediately save; run a macro; if the macro completes - immediately save Eventually, but usually within about the first 2 minutes of opening the workbook, I get the spinning beach ball so I Force Quit Excel, sending a Force Quit Report to Apple. Then, I start Excel again by double clicking the workbook in the Finder. At this point, I always get the Excel message that Excel saved a copy before the crash and it is recommended I open that version. I always respond Okay but have yet to see any evidence that anything was saved because every change since my last manual Save is gone. Then I repeat the methodology above.