Best Text Editor For Mac Reddit

Looking for something clean and light weight to edit html and css on. Any suggestions? Adobe's open-source text editor is created from the code that builds the web, and the developers note that if you can code in Brackets, then you can code on Brackets. In other words, although you initially get a simple, usable editor, seasoned programmers should be able to hack it to their liking.

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I recommend ViM to beginning programmers. It helps them focus on the task of programming and not mucking about with text.

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As soon as they get their 'sea-legs' the keybindings go to muscle memory and away they go. There's the vimtutor program that will get you up and running in less than an hour. ViM can be installed literally everywhere and in my line of work, the lowly junior programmer is going to be logging into running Linux boxes and is going to have to find and edit config files, only to replace it with a sed script to automate what they did. ViM gets them thinking in the right direction so writing that sed script is trivial. So KDE (via KIO) definitely supports a number of protocols, including FISH (ssh) and SFTP, that's carried over into most KDE-aware apps like Dolphin and Kate. So it does have native sftp support. You can normally use Dolphin to browse around (or bookmark an sftp location), and open a file with Kate.


Just type sftp:// in Dolphin's location bar. But Kate also has a filesystem browser plugin, which should allow you to directly navigate around inside Kate. Settings -> Configure Kate -> Plugins -> File system browser. Should be a side panel on the left.

Any bookmarks you made in dolphin should even show up under the home icon. I work on a half dozen or so servers natively in Kate that way. Yes, I know there are other solutions to my problem, but they are all virtual filesystems over some kind of file transfer protocol. FTPs aren't designed for VFS, resulting in a clunky, cumbersome and error prone result (IMHO, obviously). Every time there's some kind of network hindrance, like wifi losing signal or ip address change, they get stuck and the editor halts, and I loose time typing commands to recover the situation. Currently I'm using Kate over sshfs, not that bad, but when sshfs loses connection to the server (for any reason) Kate blocks even while I'm typing. In my opinion, text editors only need to: connect -> browse directories or load or save a file -> disconnect.

That's the only safe way to edit file on remote server through file transfer protocols, because this is the way FTPs are designed to work. Thanks for your suggestion, I'll give it a try.