What Is The Best Spreadsheet For Mac

It is free and comes with every Mac purchased new from 2012 on. If you ever had a copy it is free on all Macs that you own, along with every update, forever, as long as you continue to use the same Apple ID. There are other free ones but. PearBudget is a free budget spreadsheet for Mac or Windows that's used with spreadsheet software. You can use a PearBudget spreadsheet to set up and track your spending from month to month.

I've only submitted to DACS the past two years. What I do is a mess, (although accepted) because I don't have a spreadsheet program unless there is one on my computer I can't find. I have Pages and don't see one there, and using spotlight, can't find one anywhere.

I've never had any spreadsheet training, but I would like to submit my sales to DACS in a proper, nicely done spreadsheet. What is the best and easiest to learn free spreadsheet program for Maverick? I did find one, Open Office, but it listed all the 'cats' but didn't list Maverick as compatable. I'd love to download a program and have time to practice with it before the next DACS submission is due. As mentioned in the link Mark posted above, LibreOffice and Numbers are what you should look for. Numbers may well have shipped with your Mac as it is usually bundled with Pages; give it a try in spotlight.


Otherwise, try the free LibreOffice download. Command for mac to turn on all usb ports. -Jason I don't have numbers. I actually bought Pages when I got my first iMac, it didn't come bundled, and Numbers was not a part of it.

So if Numbers has to be converted to Excel, or an Excel look-alike, does it do me any good to download Numbers? I do remember some program I put the info in the first year I claimed that was in Pages format, and the DACS people use PCs and could not read it. I had to resave it in a Word format. At the time, on my first iMac, I had bought Windows also for it, and used that program that let me zip over to it (Bootcamp?) if I needed it. I did that because I had some software from my PC days that I was loathe to lose. Turned out I never missed any of that software or used it again. But having it made it nice to copy my Pages file and go over and put it in a Word document.

I also think I finally found an option in Pages that allowed me to save in Word, but when I got my new iMac, that option disappeared. After buying my new 27' iMac, the Apple store copied everything from one HD to the other, but Windows and the program to use it never worked again. I think I had to go some convaluted route to get to a Word format. Something I looked up on the Internet that told me how to do it. I know there are other Mac users who submit to DACS, how do you do it in a format that DACS can decipher? Am I wrong in thinking I should bypass Numbers and go straight for something than can be read by DACS?

Turn you windows based applications into Mac programs. Access Windows apps like media players, browsers (Internet explorer) and games.It directly run Windows based programs on your Mac. Citrix XenApp. It allow you to access any type of application in any device. All applications are stored on a database. East mac windows emulators. The difference? Well, Parallels is licensed on a per Mac basis while Fusion is licensed per user. So if you have multiple Macs, VMware Fusion would be the best bet. VirtualBox is another Windows emulator for Mac but unlike Parallels and VMware, it’s open source software and completely free.

Betty Edited to add: Just did some surfing and apparently LO (Libreoffice) does not work with Mavericks. Something to do with Java, and incompatibility.