Vba For Windows V Mac

Subtle difference between the Windows and Mac Version¶ Windows: After calling the Macro (e.g. By pressing a button), Excel waits until Python is done. Mac: After calling the Macro, the call returns instantly but Excel’s Status Bar turns into Running. During the duration of the Python call.

PYTHON_WIN = ' PYTHON_MAC = ' PYTHON_FROZEN = ThisWorkbook. Path & ' b uild exe.win32-2.7' PYTHONPATH = ThisWorkbook. Path UDF_PATH = ' LOG_FILE = ThisWorkbook. Path & ' xlwings_log.txt' SHOW_LOG = True OPTIMIZED_CONNECTION = False • PYTHON_WIN: This is the directory of the Python interpreter on Windows. ' resolves to your default Python installation on the PATH, i.e. The one you can start by just typing python at a command prompt.

• PYTHON_MAC: This is the directory of the Python interpreter on Mac OSX. ' resolves to your default installation as per PATH on.bash_profile. To get special folders on Mac, type GetMacDir('Name') where Name is one of the following: Home, Desktop, Applications, Documents. • PYTHON_FROZEN [Optional]: Currently only on Windows, indicates the directory of the exe file that has been frozen by either using cx_Freeze or py2exe. Can be set to ' if unused. • PYTHONPATH [Optional]: If the source file of your code is not found, add the path here.

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Apple mac apps. Otherwise set it to '. • UDF_PATH [Optional, Windows only]: Full path to a Python file from which the User Defined Functions are being imported. Example: UDF_PATH = ThisWorkbook.Path & ' functions.py' Default: UDF_PATH = ' defaults to a file in the same directory of the Excel spreadsheet with the same name but ending in.py. • LOG_FILE [Optional]: Leave empty for default location (see below) or provide directory including file name. • SHOW_LOG: If False, no pop-up with the Log messages (usually errors) will be shown. Use with care. • OPTIMIZED_CONNECTION: Currently only on Windows, use a COM Server for an efficient connection (experimental!).

Note OPTIMIZED_CONNECTION = True works currently on Windows only and is still experimental! This will use a COM server that will keep the connection to Python alive between different calls and is therefore much more efficient. However, changes in the Python code are not being picked up until the pythonw.exe process is restarted by killing it manually in the Windows Task Manager. The suggested workflow is hence to set OPTIMIZED_CONNECTION = False for development and to only set it to True for production.