How To Set Autosave In Word 2016 For Mac

If I open a document (with Word 2016) that was previously created with Word 2003, and insert a drawing line or arrow. Then if I go to the 'recover unsaved changes' (autosave) and open the autosave document, a Show Repairs dialog box appears with 'Drawn Objects' errors appears. If I delete the drawing lines, the autosave documents are fine. If I insert boxes or any other shapes, the autosave documents are fine. The problem only seems to occur if I use an existing 2003 document and insert a line with Word 2016. Any ideas why inserting a line would corrupt a document?

Hi, I am not sure why a inserted line corrupted this document. Personal opinion, I suspect it is a compatibility issue between old 2013 version documents with new Word 2016 features.

External dvd writer usb 3.0 for laptop. Office 2016 apps (Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word) are all sandboxed now. That means their preferences will live in ~/Library/Containers for each application.

Generally, Word 2016 would open an earlier version document in a Compatibility Mode and some features would be not available in Word 97-2003 Compatibility Mode. If you want to do any feature settings for the old version documents, I suggest we can convert the document to Word 2016 documents or Save as a new Word 2016 file (.docx file) as a workaround: 1.Click the File tab. 2. Movie editor for mac. Do one of the following: a.

How to set autosave in word 2016 for mac windows 10

To convert the document without saving a copy, click Info, and then click Convert. To create a new copy of the document in Word 2016 mode, click Save As and then choose the location and the folder where you want to save the new copy. Type a new name for the document in the File name box, and click Word Document in the Save as type list. Make sure the box next to Maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word is unchecked. For more information about using Word 2016 to open documents created in earlier versions of Word, please refer to: Regards, Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact Winnie Liang TechNet Community Support.