How To Differentiate Between Mac And Windows For Web Application

Webform is simply a html form, basically a collection of DOM elements and functions as per the specifications of W3C. However added unique features to it like view state, postback etc., Webforms are platform independent i.e works on a thin client like web browser, stateless client server architecture. Windows forms are used in desktop based applications which heavily rely on the GDI. Basically lot of differences between the two from state to the way it functions. In view of similarity both are GUI components, but the basic framework concepts are same for both.

How To Differentiate Between Mac And Windows For Web Application

Apr 26, 2009 - Why Web Developers Don't Need A Mac 25 Free Mac Apps That Will. To be fair to Windows, in terms of raw capability the two offerings differ very. The Windows user, when presented with these arguments, usually rolls. Both can open apps and web pages, tell you the weather, change system settings, do math, control smart home devices, set reminders, send emails, and search the web. Both can be invoked by voice.

ASP.Net has many additional concepts and vary from windows form development. If you are thinking in view of portability always separate the UI from the underlying business logic. Which helps moving significant amount of code reuse. Built in paint software for macs. In addition consider WPF where is it easy to portable from windows based development to web based, provided the clients need to have the framework installed. I hope this little info helps for your big question. Webform is simply a html form, basically a collection of DOM elements and functions as per the specifications of W3C.

However added unique features to it like view state, postback etc., Webforms are platform independent i.e works on a thin client like web browser, stateless client server architecture. Windows forms are used in desktop based applications which heavily rely on the GDI. Basically lot of differences between the two from state to the way it functions. In view of similarity both are GUI components, but the basic framework concepts are same for both. ASP.Net has many additional concepts and vary from windows form development. If you are thinking in view of portability always separate the UI from the underlying business logic. Which helps moving significant amount of code reuse.

Ii emulator windows. In addition consider WPF where is it easy to portable from windows based development to web based, provided the clients need to have the framework installed. I hope this little info helps for your big question.

Designers and developers have many choices to make when it comes to getting work done, from what frameworks, languages, and image editing software to use, to what platform to run. The latter is an oft debated and controversial topic and the mere mention of it risks setting off flame wars of epic proportions, so in the interest of sanity, we’ll try to avoid any direct comparisons to other operating systems. It’s no secret that there has been a growing trend in recent years toward developers, especially of the web variety, choosing a Mac as their main dev machine. In this two-part series, we will examine some of the reasons behind this trend, look at some of the pitfalls of switching to the Mac, and go over the must-have software and configurations every switcher should be aware of. You might be interested in the following related posts: • • • First Reason for Switching: Mac OS X You may have noticed the rise in the number of colleagues and fellow developers who are choosing a Mac as their next computer. If you haven’t, you’re probably either working for Microsoft or you have an MBA. So why is it so compelling?