Excel For Mac 2016 Return Delimiter

Any video converter mac Opening CSV files in Excel 2016. Ask Question 12. For more than half the world the separator character is a semicolon (;), not a comma (,) Excel 2016 properly respects your Windows regional settings, and uses the specified 'List separator' character. I had the same issue on Mac OS X El Captain.

I have a new install of Excel 2016, that hates CSV files. It opens them with everything in one column flagpole style, down column A, with commas and speech marks visible. Emulator for mac roms. Salient points: • I have two machines, desktop and laptop, both running same version of Excel.

Desktop works fine, opens the same problem files formatted correctly. • I can create CSV files on laptop, save those, open them again on laptop, and it's fine. • Even opening it in Notepad++, saving in the hope of some sort of file format normalisation, and still no good. • I have compared regional settings and almost all settings in Excel. • I tried renaming the file to TXT, it brought up the text file conversion dialogue, I chose comma delimited.

First time it ignored that, still got everything in column A, second attempt, that actually worked, however, that is a pants solution, I want to be able to just natively open CSV files without saving as TXT, I use many different ones every day. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks in advance.

CSV files are character separated value files, not necessarily comma separated. For more than half the world the separator character is a semicolon (;), not a comma (,) Excel 2016 properly respects your Windows regional settings, and uses the specified 'List separator' character One solution is to change your regional settings for the 'List separator' attribute to the character you want Excel to default to using, e.g. A comma (,) This can be changed in: Control Panel / Region / Additional Settings / List separator: refs: (spec point 3). @TFD RFCs are widely accepted as 'de facto' standards even if they're not ratified as full standards; and the goal of any standard is communication. RFC4180 documents a common format for software to use to communicate; and it calls that format 'comma separated values'. You aren't obligated to be compliant with that format (unless you are); so if you want to use a semicolon as your delimiter; go ahead; but don't claim to be CSV-compliant.

Delimiter settings in excel

Nevertheless; the rest of your answer is spot-on; so have an upvote. – May 23 '17 at 20:01. The correct answer is to edit your regional settings as suggested above (if a long term change in behavior is desired) Control Panel -> Region -> Additional Settings -> List separator: But for my purposes a simple Edit -> Find and Replace using Notepad to replace all commas with semi-colons was a quick and dirty solution that I preferred.

Despite the comment that csv means 'Character Separated Values', in Office 2016 my.csv file association to Excel still says 'Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File'.

Here's a simple, non-Excel way to get rid of all the line breaks in your text: Paste the data into TextEdit, put your cursor at the end of any line, then hold shift and press the right arrow once. This will select the invisible new line character. Now hit command + c to copy this invisible character, and then got to Edit > Find > Find and Replace. And search for your copied character and replace it everywhere with just a space. Now you shouldn't have any more line breaks in your text.:) (On a side note, you don't need to replace with a space you can replace it with another symbol if that may be more convenient for what you're doing in Excel.).